realraum (online) Show+Tell 2021-01-14

The idea behind Show+Tell is that everyone can show-off something they like! You installed a new window manager and it's awesome gorgeous? You wrote a script to automatically open the door once the food delivery is arriving at your doorstep? I would love to hear about all of those! It doesn't have to be something you made, it can also just be something you just use. So add yourself to the list:

Participation Link is

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  • esphome


realraum Graz, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz, realraum - Verein für Technik in Kultur und Gesellschaft
  • /var/lib/dokuwiki/data/pages/showtell/show_tell20210114.txt
  • Last modified: 2021-01-14 21:56
  • by xro