This is an old revision of the document!

This is the page for camp plus plus in Tata Hungary More info on:

Please preregister for a ticket on camp++ website. Costs work by deviding the cost of the whole camp between all attendees. Price is ussually between 80 and 100€. Price includes food and drinks.

Equipment that we bring:

  • JUETent (Who will bring it)
  • AV's speakers
  • ??
  • TODO


  • L5
  • GNU/Fox
  • Commanderred
  • Maciej
  • fg
  • Ernst
  • Roman
  • xro
  • JUE
  • av
  • Oli
  • Arrox
  • Gabor (part of orga. Probably goes by himself)


  • Tanja
  • Ellie
  • Roman
  • Nico
  • Sally
  • OE6NOA
  • Julian

With Car:

  • GNU/Fox
  • L5 (starts from Ljubljana)
  • Arrox
  • AV and fg (in a transporter)
  • Ernst (goes alone)
  • JUE

We are planning to use (ham/PMR) radio while driving. We will need to distribute antennas.

Alteranative train:

  • IC 311: 08:37 - 12:49 Graz - Tata
  • IC 313: 14:37 - 18:49 Graz - Tata


  • IC 312: 09:07 - 13:23 Tata - Graz
  • IC 310: 17.07 - 21:23 Tata - Graz
realraum Graz, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz, realraum - Verein für Technik in Kultur und Gesellschaft
  • /var/lib/dokuwiki/data/attic/campplusplus2024.1720486627.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024-07-09 02:57
  • by lightning5