BQ Witbox (1)
Pre-Print Checks
- Is the removable printbed latched in?
- if not → move until it's level and all magnets are connected
- Is the printbed level?
- If not –> Select Leveling from Display-Menu, follow instructions and use the three screws below printbed to level.
- Is the blue-tape on the surface ok?
- If not –> remove tape-strip that is broken and replace with a new strip. Blue-tape can be found and belongs in in the filament box.
- Is the filament dustfree? If not –> Clean with cloth or pressured air.
- Make sure dust does NOT get into the extruder.
- Print and deploy a Filament Cleaner if not present
- Is the filmanet entangled? –> disentangle.
- Load correct material profile in Cura.
- If in doubt use “Low definition” since it's fast –> see Materials
monthly Maintenance
supported Materials
- PLA 1.75mm
realraum Graz, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz, realraum - Verein für Technik in Kultur und Gesellschaft