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roomauto:mqtt_topics [2018-07-14 01:29]
xro [Topics currently in use]
roomauto:mqtt_topics [2022-12-13 00:33]
Line 12: Line 12:
 Topics can be retained by the message broker. In this case, the most recent event for that topic is sent to a client immediately upon subscription of that topic. Topics can be retained by the message broker. In this case, the most recent event for that topic is sent to a client immediately upon subscription of that topic.
-^ Topic ^ Retain ^ Description ​^ +^Topic^Retain^Description| 
-^ Sensor Messages ^^ +^Sensor Messages^| | 
-|realraum/​frontdoor/​lock | True | Frontdoor locked or not | +|zigbee2mqtt/​w1/​AjarWindowMasha | false | MaSha Window ajar or not | 
-|realraum/​w2frontdoor/​lock ​  ​| True | w2 door locked or not | +|zigbee2mqtt/​w2/​AjarWindowR2W2right | false | R2W2 right Window ajar or not | 
-|realraum/​frontdoor/​ajar | True | Frontdoor ajar or shut | +|zigbee2mqtt/​w2/​AjarWindowR2W2left | false | R2W2 left Window ajar or not | 
-|realraum/​frontdoor/​cmdevt | False | Command that was sent to the frontdoor and by whom | +|zigbee2mqtt/​w2/​AjarWindowTesla | false | TESLA Window ajar or not | 
-|realraum/​frontdoor/​problemevt | False | Problem that occured at the frontdoor | +|zigbee2mqtt/​w2/​AjarWindowKitchen | false | TESLA Window ajar or not | 
-|realraum/​frontdoor/​manuallockmovement | True | If the frontdoor was locker / unlocked by hand | +|zigbee2mqtt/​w1/​AjarWindowOLGA | false | OLGA Window ajar or not | 
-|realraum/​frontdoor/​rawfwlines | False | raw communication between door_client and door_daemon | +|realraum/​frontdoor/​lock|True|Frontdoor locked or not| 
-|realraum/​smallkiosk/​temperature | True | LoTHR Temperature,​ DHT11 Sensor | +|realraum/​w2frontdoor/​lock ​ |True|w2 door locked or not| 
-|realraum/​smallkiosk/​relhumidity | True | LoTHR Humidity, DHT11 Sensor | +|realraum/​frontdoor/​ajar|True|Frontdoor ajar or shut
-|realraum/​printerbone/​temperature | True | Tesla R1W2 BMP180 Sensor | +|realraum/​w2frontdoor/​ajar|True|w2 door ajar or not
-|realraum/​printerbone/​barometer ​  ​| True | Tesla R1W2 BMP180 Sensor | +|realraum/​frontdoor/​cmdevt|False|Command that was sent to the frontdoor and by whom| 
-|realraum/​pillar/​boredoombuttonpressed | False | indicates the BoreDOOOOOOMButton has been pressed | +|realraum/​frontdoor/​problemevt|False|Problem that occured at the frontdoor| 
-|realraum/​pillar/​illumination | True | LoTHR Temperature,​ Arduino Photoresistor +|realraum/​frontdoor/​manuallockmovement|True|If the frontdoor was locker / unlocked by hand| 
-|realraum/​pillar/​dust | True | currently nonexistant Dust Sensor | +|realraum/​frontdoor/​rawfwlines|False|raw communication between door_client and door_daemon| 
-|realraum/​pillar/​movement | False | PIR Movement Sensors on Arduino on Beaglebone in LoTHR, one event per detected movement | +|realraum/​smallkiosk/​temperature|True|LoTHR Temperature,​ DHT11 Sensor| 
-|realraum/​xbee/​relhumidity | True | XBee non-fixed sensors humidity, DHT11 | +|realraum/​smallkiosk/​relhumidity|True|LoTHR Humidity, DHT11 Sensor| 
-|realraum/​xbee/​temperature | True | XBee non-fixed sensors temperature,​ DHT11 | +|realraum/​printerbone/​temperature|True|Tesla R1W2 BMP180 Sensor| 
-|realraum/​xbee/​voltage | True | XBee non-fixed sensors battery voltage | +|realraum/​printerbone/​barometer ​ |True|Tesla R1W2 BMP180 Sensor| 
-|realraum/​w2tesla/​relhumidity | True | sensors humidity, ​DHT11 in R2W2 | +|realraum/​pillar/​boredoombuttonpressed|False|indicates the BoreDOOOOOOMButton has been pressed| 
-|realraum/​w2tesla/​temperature | True | temperature, ​DHT11 in R2W2 | +|realraum/​pillar/​illumination|True| ​| 
-|realraum/​backdoorcx/​movement | False | currently nonexistant future PIR Movement Sensor in CX | +|realraum/​pillar/​dust|True|currently nonexistant Dust Sensor| 
-|realraum/​olgafreezer/​temperature | False | OlgaFreezer DS18B20 Temp Sensors | +|realraum/​pillar/​movement|False|PIR Movement Sensors on Arduino on Beaglebone in LoTHR, one event per detected movement| 
-|realraum/​olgafreezer/​overtemp | False | Alarm Event, triggered if Temperature exceeds a pre-set limit (see [[https://​github.com/​realraum/​door_and_sensors/​blob/​master/​scripts/​olga_freezer_sensordata_forwarder.py | olga_freezer_sensordata_forwarder.py]] ) | +|realraum/​xbee/​relhumidity|True|XBee non-fixed sensors humidity, DHT11| 
-|realraum/​olgafreezer/​sensorlost | False | Triggered if a olgafreezer sensor stopped transmitting data | +|realraum/​xbee/​temperature|True|XBee non-fixed sensors temperature,​ DHT11| 
-|realraum/​backdoorcx/​temperature | True | Temperature in CX, between Network, Backdoor and WC | +|realraum/​xbee/​voltage|True|XBee non-fixed sensors battery voltage| 
-|realraum/​backdoorcx/​lock | False | no sensor, does not exist | +|realraum/​w2tesla/​relhumidity|True|sensors humidity, ​BMP280 ​in R2W2| 
-|realraum/​backdoorcx/​ajar | True | Backdoor Ajar Sensor | +|realraum/​w2tesla/​temperature|True|temperature, ​BMP280 ​in R2W2| 
-|realraum/​backdoorcx/​gasalert | False | Sent if LPG/​Gas-Alert on CX-Ceiling is triggered | +|realraum/​backdoorcx/​movement|False|currently nonexistant future PIR Movement Sensor in CX| 
-|realraum/​backdoorcx/​powerloss | False | Sent if UPS connected to ''​smsgw.realraum.at''​ reports powerloss, power-regained or change in battery charge | +|realraum/​olgafreezer/​temperature|False|OlgaFreezer DS18B20 Temp Sensors| 
-|realraum/​gateway/​NetDHCPACK | False | not-implemented. Info about new DHCP client in network. | +|realraum/​olgafreezer/​overtemp|False|Alarm Event, triggered if Temperature exceeds a pre-set limit (see [[https://​github.com/​realraum/​door_and_sensors/​blob/​master/​scripts/​olga_freezer_sensordata_forwarder.py|olga_freezer_sensordata_forwarder.py]] )| 
-|realraum/​gateway/​NetGWStatUpdate | True | not-implemented. **TODO**((equinox doesn'​t like this(tm) so may never be implemented)). regular updated network statistics | +|realraum/​olgafreezer/​sensorlost|False|Triggered if a olgafreezer sensor stopped transmitting data| 
-|realraum/​lasercutter/​cardpresent | True | indicateds if and who's card actives the lasercutters'​s laser | +|realraum/​backdoorcx/​temperature|True|Temperature in CX, between Network, Backdoor and WC| 
-^ Meta Events ^^ +|realraum/​backdoorcx/​lock|False|no sensor, does not exist| 
-|realraum/​metaevt/​presence | True | Indicates if someone is present in realraum. Sent everytime presence status changes. .Meta-Event generated by '​r3-metaevt-maker'​ | +|realraum/​backdoorcx/​ajar|True|Backdoor Ajar Sensor| 
-|realraum/​metaevt/​overtemp | False | Meta-event triggered if a temperature sensor exceeds a warning threshold | +|realraum/​backdoorcx/​gasalert|False|Sent if LPG/​Gas-Alert on CX-Ceiling is triggered| 
-|realraum/​metaevt/​sensorlost | False | Meta-event triggered if a sensor stopped transmitting data | +|realraum/​backdoorcx/​powerloss|False|Sent if UPS connected to ''​smsgw.realraum.at''​ reports powerloss, power-regained or change in battery charge| 
-|realraum/​metaevt/​realmovement | False | Tries to distinguish between real movement and spurious sensor errors | +|realraum/​gateway/​NetDHCPACK|False|not-implemented. Info about new DHCP client in network.| 
-|realraum/​metaevt/​duskordawn | False | Meta-event that indicates Sunset, Sunrise, astronomical dawn, nautical dawn, civil dawn. | +|realraum/​gateway/​NetGWStatUpdate|True|not-implemented. **TODO** ((equinox doesn'​t like this™ so may never be implemented)) . regular updated network statistics| 
-|realraum/​metaevt/​TempSensorSpike | False | not-implemented. **TODO**. Meta-event that triggers if a temperature sensor'​s value rises above its running average standard deviation ​--> possible Fire | +|realraum/​lasercutter/​cardpresent|True|indicateds if and who's card actives the lasercutters'​s laser
-|realraum/​metaevt/​DustSensorSpike | False | not-implemented. **TODO**. Meta-event that triggers if a dust sensor'​s value rises above its running average standard deviation ​--> possible Fire |+|realraum/​w2frontdoor/​online|True|indicates ip of device and if online or offline (LastWill)| 
 +|action/​ceilingN/​online|True|indicates ip of device and if online or offline (LastWill)
 +^Meta Events^| | 
 +|realraum/​metaevt/​presence|True|Indicates if someone is present in realraum. Sent everytime presence status changes. ​.Meta-Event generated by '​r3-metaevt-maker'​| 
 +|realraum/​metaevt/​aggregatecontactsensor|True|Collects all shut,​locked,​contact sensors into one event. Sent on change. Meta-Event generated by '​r3-metaevt-maker'​| 
 +|realraum/​metaevt/​overtemp|False|Meta-event triggered if a temperature sensor exceeds a warning threshold| 
 +|realraum/​metaevt/​sensorlost|False|Meta-event triggered if a sensor stopped transmitting data| 
 +|realraum/​metaevt/​realmovement|False|Tries to distinguish between real movement and spurious sensor errors| 
 +|realraum/​metaevt/​duskordawn|False|Meta-event that indicates Sunset, Sunrise, astronomical dawn, nautical dawn, civil dawn.| 
 +|realraum/​metaevt/​TempSensorSpike|False|not-implemented. **TODO**. Meta-event that triggers if a temperature sensor'​s value rises above its running average standard deviation ​> possible Fire| 
 +|realraum/​metaevt/​DustSensorSpike|False|not-implemented. **TODO**. Meta-event that triggers if a dust sensor'​s value rises above its running average standard deviation ​> possible Fire| 
 +|realraum/​rauchmelderN/​online|True| N={1...} smokealarm online or not. includes last known IP| 
 +|realraum/​rauchmelderN/​smokealarm|True| N={1...] SmokeALARM triggered in given room| 
 +^Action Requests^| | 
 +|action/​rf433/​sendcode3byte|False|Tell RF433 Transmitters to transmit the attached 3byte code over the air to powerplugs| 
 +|action/​rf433/​setdelay|True|Tell Sender at *Location X* to wait *DelayMs* until sending a command receivce via ''​sendcode3byte''​ ((currently not used, even though implemented)) ​ | 
 +|action/​yamahastereo/​ircmd|False|Send command to ir-emitter for yamaha stereo ([[https://​github.com/​realraum/​door_and_sensors/​blob/​master/​scripts/​arduinosensors.py|list of named commands]])| 
 +|action/​PipeLEDs/​pattern|False|Select pattern of Pipe LED stripe| 
 +|action/​PipeLEDs/​restart|False|Restart ESP8266 controlling pipe LEDs| 
 +|action/​ceiling1/​light|False|Set R,G,B,CW,WW Value of ceiling1| 
 +|action/​ceiling2/​light|False|Set R,G,B,CW,WW Value of ceiling2| 
 +|action/​ceiling3/​light|False|Set R,G,B,CW,WW Value of ceiling3| 
 +|action/​ceiling4/​light|False|Set R,G,B,CW,WW Value of ceiling4| 
 +|action/​ceiling5/​light|False|Set R,G,B,CW,WW Value of ceiling5| 
 +|action/​ceiling6/​light|False|Set R,G,B,CW,WW Value of ceiling6| 
 +|action/​flooddoor/​light|False|Set R,G,B,CW,WW Value of ceiling7 flodder| 
 +|action/​abwasch/​light|False|Set R,G,B,UV,WW Value of ceiling8 flodder| 
 +|action/​ceilingAll/​light|False|Set R,​G,​B,​UV,​CW,​WW Value of all ceiling lights| 
 +|action/​gonamectrl/​name|False|Switch named thing on/off| 
 +|action/​ceilingscripts/​activescript|Falsce|active script with options '​{script:​name,​…}'​| 
 +|action/​GoLightCtrl/​basiclight1|False|switch basiclight on/off| 
 +|action/​GoLightCtrl/​basiclight2|False|switch basiclight on/off| 
 +|action/​GoLightCtrl/​basiclight3|False|switch basiclight on/off| 
 +|action/​GoLightCtrl/​basiclight4|False|switch basiclight on/off| 
 +|action/​GoLightCtrl/​basiclight5|False|switch basiclight on/off| 
 +|action/​GoLightCtrl/​basiclight6|False|switch basiclight on/off| 
 +|action/​realraum/​resendstatus|False|True:​ trigger resending of current status of all locks, door-sensors,​ ajar-sensors,​ etc| 
-^ Action Requests ^^ 
-|action/​rf433/​sendcode3byte | False | Tell RF433 Transmitters to transmit the attached 3byte code over the air to powerplugs | 
-|action/​rf433/​setdelay | True | Tell Sender at *Location X* to wait *DelayMs* until sending a command receivce via ''​sendcode3byte''​ ((currently not used, even though implemented)) | 
-|action/​yamahastereo/​ircmd | False | Send command to ir-emitter for yamaha stereo ([[https://​github.com/​realraum/​door_and_sensors/​blob/​master/​scripts/​arduinosensors.py|list of named commands]]) | 
-|action/​PipeLEDs/​pattern | False | Select pattern of Pipe LED stripe | 
-|action/​PipeLEDs/​restart | False | Restart ESP8266 controlling pipe LEDs | 
-|action/​ceiling1/​light | False | Set R,G,B,CW,WW Value of ceiling1 | 
-|action/​ceiling2/​light | False | Set R,G,B,CW,WW Value of ceiling2 | 
-|action/​ceiling3/​light | False | Set R,G,B,CW,WW Value of ceiling3 | 
-|action/​ceiling4/​light | False | Set R,G,B,CW,WW Value of ceiling4 | 
-|action/​ceiling5/​light | False | Set R,G,B,CW,WW Value of ceiling5 | 
-|action/​ceiling6/​light | False | Set R,G,B,CW,WW Value of ceiling6 | 
-|action/​flooddoor/​light | False | Set R,G,B,CW,WW Value of ceiling7 flodder | 
-|action/​abwasch/​light | False | Set R,G,B,UV,WW Value of ceiling8 flodder | 
-|action/​ceilingAll/​light | False | Set R,​G,​B,​UV,​CW,​WW Value of all ceiling lights | 
-|action/​gonamectrl/​name | False | Switch named thing on/off | 
-|action/​ceilingscripts/​activescript | Falsce | active script with options '​{script:​name,​...}'​ |  
-|action/​GoLightCtrl/​basiclight1 | False | switch basiclight on/off | 
-|action/​GoLightCtrl/​basiclight2 | False | switch basiclight on/off | 
-|action/​GoLightCtrl/​basiclight3 | False | switch basiclight on/off | 
-|action/​GoLightCtrl/​basiclight4 | False | switch basiclight on/off | 
-|action/​GoLightCtrl/​basiclight5 | False | switch basiclight on/off | 
-|action/​GoLightCtrl/​basiclight6 | False | switch basiclight on/off | 
 ===== Structure of Topics ===== ===== Structure of Topics =====
Line 123: Line 140:
 | printerbone | drucker.realraum.at | BeagleBoneGreen managing printer power | mqtt.realraum.at \\ needs DNS\\ provides cups | {{:​roomauto:​printerbonegreen1-230x300.jpg?​200&​direct|}} | | printerbone | drucker.realraum.at | BeagleBoneGreen managing printer power | mqtt.realraum.at \\ needs DNS\\ provides cups | {{:​roomauto:​printerbonegreen1-230x300.jpg?​200&​direct|}} |
 | lothrboiler | [[http://​gw.realraum.at/​cgi-bin/​reportdhcp.pl|dhcp:"​lothrboiler-6135]] | SonOff Pow Relay controlling power to the warm water boiler in LoTHR| r3WIFI\\ mqtt.realraum.at\\ needs DHCP\\ DNS\\ provides http |  {{:​roomauto:​lothrboiler.jpg?​200|}} | | lothrboiler | [[http://​gw.realraum.at/​cgi-bin/​reportdhcp.pl|dhcp:"​lothrboiler-6135]] | SonOff Pow Relay controlling power to the warm water boiler in LoTHR| r3WIFI\\ mqtt.realraum.at\\ needs DHCP\\ DNS\\ provides http |  {{:​roomauto:​lothrboiler.jpg?​200|}} |
 +|rauchmelder1 | [[intern:​ip-adressen|rauchmelder1.mgmt.realraum.at]] | ESP8266 connected to smoke alarm at TESLA. Only powers on if smoke alarm goes off | |
 ==== 2nd level topics and payload types  ==== ==== 2nd level topics and payload types  ====
Line 154: Line 172:
 | foodorderinvite ​  | JSON Object | {"​Who":​string,​ "​Where":​string,​ "​URL":​string (http or phone), "​Ts":​int64} | | foodorderinvite ​  | JSON Object | {"​Who":​string,​ "​Where":​string,​ "​URL":​string (http or phone), "​Ts":​int64} |
 | foodordereta ​  | JSON Object | {"​TSofInvite":​int64,​ "​ETA":​int64,​ "​Ts":​int} | | foodordereta ​  | JSON Object | {"​TSofInvite":​int64,​ "​ETA":​int64,​ "​Ts":​int} |
 +| online ​    | JSON Object | {"​online":​bool,​ "​ip":​string} |
 +| smokealarm | JSON Object | {"​room":​string,​ "​voltage":​float} |
 ^ Meta Events ^^ ^ Meta Events ^^
-| presence | JSON Object | {"​Present":​bool,​ "​Ts":​int64} |+| presence | JSON Object | {"​Present":​bool,​ "​InSpace1":​bool,​ "​InSpace2":​bool,​ "​Ts":​int64} | 
 +| aggregatecontactsensor | JSON Object | {"​AllDoorsShut":​bool,​ "​AllWindowsShut":​bool,​ "​AllDoorsLocked":​bool,​ "​Ts":​bool} |
 | realmovement | JSON Object | {"​Movement":​bool,​ "​Confidence":​uint8,​ "​Ts":​int} **largely useless** | | realmovement | JSON Object | {"​Movement":​bool,​ "​Confidence":​uint8,​ "​Ts":​int} **largely useless** |
 | overtemp | JSON Object | {"​Location":​string,​ "​Value":​float,​ "​Threshold":​float,​ "​Ts":​int} | | overtemp | JSON Object | {"​Location":​string,​ "​Value":​float,​ "​Threshold":​float,​ "​Ts":​int} |
realraum Graz, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz, realraum - Verein für Technik in Kultur und Gesellschaft
  • /var/lib/dokuwiki/data/pages/roomauto/mqtt_topics.txt
  • Last modified: 2023-09-11 22:48
  • by xro