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realraum:projectsink [2015-08-07 23:26]
realraum:projectsink [2017-01-09 18:12]
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 ====== Ideas and Projects looking for fellows ====== ====== Ideas and Projects looking for fellows ======
 ==== IRC Kiosk in r3 ==== ==== IRC Kiosk in r3 ====
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 IRC is being used more and more now. There needs to be better connection between the real realraum and less-real #realraum. Idea for an easy solution: Take the old embedded pc unter tesla, take xro's Graka behind the stereo (can do two vga or 2 dvi), take three monitors from the basement, IRC is being used more and more now. There needs to be better connection between the real realraum and less-real #realraum. Idea for an easy solution: Take the old embedded pc unter tesla, take xro's Graka behind the stereo (can do two vga or 2 dvi), take three monitors from the basement,
 take the foldable keyboard from xro's box. Combine it in such a way, as that at least one monitor always displays the irc-channel. The keyboard is for instant replying. For more chatty needs, one has to use würfel or his own laptop. IRC does not fill the whole screen however. On top of the screen, a big, easily readable IRC message should be displayed. Message can be set via IRC-bot !toscreen .... or possibly react to a certain keywords. ​ take the foldable keyboard from xro's box. Combine it in such a way, as that at least one monitor always displays the irc-channel. The keyboard is for instant replying. For more chatty needs, one has to use würfel or his own laptop. IRC does not fill the whole screen however. On top of the screen, a big, easily readable IRC message should be displayed. Message can be set via IRC-bot !toscreen .... or possibly react to a certain keywords. ​
-Other Information,​ like TODOs and necessary components and where to get them. 
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 wanna help / be part of it? --> ** contact: **  xro wanna help / be part of it? --> ** contact: **  xro
 +==== Ceiling Lights on Sterois ====
 +=== Lüftungssystem LEDs ===
 +Über dem Rohr im LoTHR haben wir kürzlich ein paar LEDs montiert.
 +Derzeit hat verr seinen Teensy2++ hergeborgt und der macht eine Testanimation.
 +Der endgültige Plan ist aber, meinen auf NodeMCU laufenden ESP6288 anzuhängen.
 +Elektrisch ist das alles fast schon fertig. Es müsste nur mehr jemand das kleine LUA Script schreiben,
 +a) sich zu mqtt.realraum.at verbindet
 +b) via mqtt verschiedene Patterns hochladen und speichern
 +c) via mqtt eines der zuvor geladenen Patterns schnell aktiv schalten kann. (oder die LED Leiste aus und Dunkel schalten)
 +d) sich via telnet? updaten lässt (init.lua überschreiben...),​ zumindest bis wir mit der endgütligen Version des Scripts zufrieden sind und den telnet port wieder abdrehen.
 +**DONE** by max and xro
 +**CODE**: http://​github.com/​realraum/​r3LoTHRPipeLEDs/​
 +**TODO** document and archive on wiki, blog on blog, hold talk in r3
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 wanna help / be part of it? --> **contact:​** ​ Stefan wanna help / be part of it? --> **contact:​** ​ Stefan
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-==== Monitore in die Auslage ​====+==== Eye at Home ==== 
 +When I was in Ireland for a few months, I mounted a webcam on my router so I could check that no disaster had befallen my flat in my absence. The angle of view was pretty narrow however, so now I want to add [[http://​physicalcomputing.at/​epages/​f46ab952-295a-4f65-8ffa-38a4b8eec267.sf/​de_AT/?​ObjectPath=/​Shops/​f46ab952-295a-4f65-8ffa-38a4b8eec267/​Products/​A-10749| Pan/​Tilt-Ability]]. The hardware exists and I previously did something similar with a teensy and a stepper motor. Of course, we could also try mounting a laser ;-)
-Possibly using the same hardware as "IRC Kiosk in r3", utilizing the other two displays and displaying interessting stuff to passerbys. 
-Possibly: Slideshow from the gallery, our future Wordpress Blog or social media failing that, cool animations and maybe some interactive stuff. 
-**Time Estimate:​** ​depending on ideas, from a few hours to infinite ​+**Time Estimate:** a few hours
 wanna help / be part of it? --> **contact:​** ​ xro wanna help / be part of it? --> **contact:​** ​ xro
-====== Add Yours // Template ====== 
 ---- ----
 +==== ambiLight für die Leinwand ====
 +LED strips im realraum hinter der Leinwand analog zu [[http://​hackaday.com/​2013/​07/​10/​amilight-clone-uses-video-pass-through-needs-no-computer/​]]
 +**Time Estimate:** mehrere Tae
 +wanna help / be part of it? --> **contact:​** ​ M1CH
 +==== Static POV ====
 +Led schlange in die Auslagen POV Effect durch Augenbewegungen.
 +==== Paper Airplane Machine Gun ====
 +[[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=J7K91g8yG_w|need i say more?]]
 +==== Maker Pool ====
 +Call for Makers!
 +Because alone is not fun, neither efficient.
 +It is a collaboration project, for innovative ideas.
 +There is no fixed project at this point, however some products are already planned, the 
 +idea is to build up a core team and together make finish the products. The goal is
 +commercialize them (kickstarter/​OEM/​..)
 +Specific areas:
 + - wireless charging
 + - BLE technology
 + - touch/​motion controlled devices
 + - innovative design products
 +Skills: Creativity and willingness to create. (though it doesn'​t hurt to have some
 +embedded/​CAD/​app development background)
 +**Time Estimate:** 3-6 months(based on part-time involvement)
 +wanna help / be part of it? --> **contact:​** ​ Laszlo
 +====== Add Yours // Template ======
 ==== Project Name ==== ==== Project Name ====
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 wanna help / be part of it? --> **contact:​** ​ name wanna help / be part of it? --> **contact:​** ​ name
 +====== Projects that got done :-) =======
 +{{tag>​project ideensammlung}}
realraum Graz, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz, realraum - Verein für Technik in Kultur und Gesellschaft
  • /var/lib/dokuwiki/data/pages/realraum/projectsink.txt
  • Last modified: 2017-01-09 18:13
  • by xro