This is an old revision of the document!

Wir zeigen unsere Lieblings-Tools und -Sites. Zuschauen ist natuerlich okay. Fragen sind sehr willkommen. Bringt eure Kisteln und macht mit!


  • ack - “better than grep”!
  • git - repository tool
  • vim (text editor) - plugins, new options in v7.3
  • - a CLI calendar
  • arecord/aplay (Linux)
  • MTR - traceroute für hipster
  • youtube-dl - download videos form YouTube and other sites
  • mplayer - play videos of all formats
  • mplayer control - an alternative manual for mplayer
  • cwrapper - color wrapper to colorize the output of other tools
  • htop - an interactive process viewer - process view on steroids
  • glances - htop auf komisch
  • lolcat - all the colors of the rainbow!
  • mosh - the MObile SHell] - a replacement for ssh
  • rsync (via ssh transport)
  • ssh - secure shell
  • zsh - best shell ever
  • nautilus-scripts - grafik filemangager brauchbar machen
  • putty and kitty
  • SparkleShare - Self hosted, instant, secure file sync
  • duplicity - Encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup using the rsync algorithm
  • web tools: urlstack (homegrown read it later thingie), input / file upload (send to home)
  • vCard Maker - Free electronic business card generator
  • - scan QRcode, get vcard
  • recording terminal sessions with ttyrec+ipbt, tpp?
  • ttyrec
  • ipbt
  • stm-data
  • screen+tmux with configs
  • screen
  • tmux
  • urlview - display+choose from list of URLs
  • urlwatch - detecting changes on webpages
  • urlscan - a replacement for urlview
  • ZeroCoin [gebi]
  • password hashing done right [gebi]
  • [Premium-Cola mit Betriebssystem |] [trapicki]
realraum Graz, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz, realraum - Verein für Technik in Kultur und Gesellschaft
  • /var/lib/dokuwiki/data/attic/showtell/show_tell2013.1366656300.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013-04-22 20:45
  • by trapicki