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olga:biohackingphilosophie [2019-09-10 20:50]
olga:biohackingphilosophie [2019-09-10 21:51]
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   * [[olga:​biohackingphilosophie:​responsiblebiohacking|Abstract //​Biohacking in Graz/​Responsible Biohacking//​]]   * [[olga:​biohackingphilosophie:​responsiblebiohacking|Abstract //​Biohacking in Graz/​Responsible Biohacking//​]]
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 +Poster über die Grazer Biohacking Community an der STS Conference 2019 (Science, Technology & Society Studies), präsentiert von Daniel Derndorfer.
 +  * {{olga:​poster_derndorfer.pdf?​150|Poster_Derndorfer}}
 +==== Code of Ethics ====
 Es gibt auch von der DIYbio Community einen Entwurf eines international gültigen Code of Ethics: Es gibt auch von der DIYbio Community einen Entwurf eines international gültigen Code of Ethics:
   * [[olga:​biohackingphilosophie:​codeofethics|Code of Ethics]]   * [[olga:​biohackingphilosophie:​codeofethics|Code of Ethics]]
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-* [[olga:​poster_derndorfer.pdf|Poster_Derndorfer]] 
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-=== Was Biohacking für uns NICHT ist ==== 
-When talking about “biohacking” it gets often a little bit confusing. The common understanding of that term is quite divers and several varieties have developed in the last years. Answers from  google search queries varies between a healthy, fitness trend, some kind of citizen science, a lifestyle of self-optimization like cyborgs or garage labs with uncertain safety issues or criminal intensions. We accept different opinions on that, but want to make sure that we are not meaning ​ any of that. 
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 **Biohacking also stands for an open access to information and the exchange of knowledge**. So it is reasonable that some biohack spaces **offers workshops or other events** (open evening for visitors, biohack academies, project meetings or discussion evening on critical topics for a public audience). Depending on how the biohack space is financial backed up the workshops can come with a participation and entrance fee, voluntary donation or free of charge. The biohack community lack the pedagogical background, but try to help rising the educational level. **Biohacking also stands for an open access to information and the exchange of knowledge**. So it is reasonable that some biohack spaces **offers workshops or other events** (open evening for visitors, biohack academies, project meetings or discussion evening on critical topics for a public audience). Depending on how the biohack space is financial backed up the workshops can come with a participation and entrance fee, voluntary donation or free of charge. The biohack community lack the pedagogical background, but try to help rising the educational level.
 +=== What is NOT Biohacking for us ====
 +When talking about “biohacking” it gets often a little bit confusing. The common understanding of that term is quite divers and several varieties have developed in the last years. Answers from  google search queries varies between a healthy, fitness trend, some kind of citizen science, a lifestyle of self-optimization like cyborgs or garage labs with uncertain safety issues or criminal intensions. We accept different opinions on that, but want to make sure that we are not meaning ​ any of that.
 +//Taken out of the presentation {{olga:​praesentation_derndorfer_poechlauer_biohacking_genome_editing.pdf|"​Biohacking as possible playground for genome editing"​}} from Caroline Pöchlauer and Daniel Derndorfer, 18th Annual STS Conference Graz,
 +6-7 May 2019//
realraum Graz, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz, realraum - Verein für Technik in Kultur und Gesellschaft
  • /var/lib/dokuwiki/data/pages/olga/biohackingphilosophie.txt
  • Last modified: 2019-09-10 21:51
  • by danield