Picture from Graz Pride 2024


  • nicoo
  • Professionaly challenged
  • circadially phase-shifted
  • Formerly CompSci @ ENS Rennes & IAIK/TU Graz
  • Realraum's own little Baymax. Huggable design included.


  • 0×FF
  • Crypto stuff (Tor, Tox, disk encryption, …) & info-sec stuff (AppArmor in Debian, …)
  • Apparently becomes a contributer to any (FOSS) operating system they use more than a few weeks (currently Debian & NixOS dev)
  • First rule of the nuclear basement: you don't talk about the nuclear basement.
  • I like big clocks and I cannot lie.


  • Part of the graveyard shift (braaaaaaaaaains)
  • local [tʃʊŋk]-master
  • Making the NOC's logo
  • Some day, I will be done breaking the WiFi.
  • I'm doing some infrastructure stuff currently:


  • Wait in realraum with a butterfly net
  • Alternatively, mailto:nicoo@realraum.at
  • Talk to me over IRC or Jabber
    • XMPP
      • nicoo@citronna.de, OTR 6D0676AE C1561C50 788A9A24 23ED6C52 23CB86F7
    • IRC
      • nicoo@freenode: OTR C3F253ED 79059CF7 640E0149 89BC3B11 DC22F8E1
      • nicoo@Hackint: OTR 6B2C5CE7 419D928A B9A4304E D6BB79E8 0AE395AC
      • nicoo@OFTC: OTR D09E567F 34D65E21 DB86542C 8F894C71 74FBC6B8
      • nicoo@Queertech: OTR BE858F3E A98848E8 71AE3FD8 DC4B1109 739D2DC4
      • nicoo@GeekNode: OTR 06A21F17 E8E7DD97 A7BEAB55 BAF86112 CAD5752B

SSH pubkey

I should copy the pubkey for my personal OpenSSH CA here, for when people need to give me access to things.

realraum Graz, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz, realraum - Verein für Technik in Kultur und Gesellschaft
  • /var/lib/dokuwiki/data/pages/nicoo/nicoo.txt
  • Last modified: 2024-07-08 22:54
  • by nicoo