This is an old revision of the document!

37C3 in Hamburg

realraum Voucher System for 37C3

  • some vouchers will go to LosFuzzys, as always
  • some vouchers will be handed out everyday at 19:15
    • replicated voucher needs to go back to realraum
    • ticket needs to be bought right away before midnight
  • some vouchers will be reserved for new system where, like in Linz
    • one or two persons buy all the tickets right away
    • people pre-pay and pre-order their tickets with that person
    • that is still no guarantee for a ticket
    • if you don't get a ticket, you get your money back

Who is going and wants a code

  • xro
  • jue

What to bring

realraum Graz, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz, realraum - Verein für Technik in Kultur und Gesellschaft
  • /var/lib/dokuwiki/data/attic/37c3.1655152571.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-06-13 22:36
  • by xro