TAG: travel

2024-10-01 08:09 Bernhard Tittelbach 38C3 in Hamburg 2024 * Infos Ticketverkauf * fix in Hamburg 2024 * Ticket-Shop * Preis: ??? EUR * Responsible for vouchers: xro (evtl phragment) … , , ,
2023-12-02 15:30 Bernhard Tittelbach 37C3 in Hamburg 2023 * Infos Ticketverkauf * fix in Hamburg 2023 * Ticket-Shop * Modus Operandi, Alte Grafik von 36C3 * Tickets & Presale * … , , ,
2023-07-28 23:10 Bernhard Tittelbach Chaos Communication Camp 2023 * emfpholener Anreisetag: Montag für Aufbau * 2023-08-15 bis 2023-08-19 in Mildenberg * Ziegeleipark Mildenberg / Virtual T… , , ,
2023-07-28 21:42 Bernhard Tittelbach Xro's Packliste für's Chaos Communication Camp camp ccc event travel , , ,
2019-10-30 19:37 Uhl Daniel 36C3 in Leipzig * Infos Ticketverkauf * Ticket-Shop * Voucher-System Erklärung mit Grafik Who is going and wants a code * ~16 people from LosFuzzy… , , ,
2019-10-15 15:50 Stefan 35C3 in Leipzig Who still wants to go in case you have to sell your ticket * Freund v. Zlatko Who is going and wants a code * ✓ xro * ✓ bigla Alexande… , , ,
2019-08-10 00:10 Bernhard Tittelbach Chaos Communication Camp 2019 * emfpholener Anreisetag: Montag für Aufbau * Mi 21. - So 25. August 2019 (fix) * Ziegeleipark Mildenberg / Virtual Tour / … , , ,
2018-06-08 21:09 Bernhard Tittelbach realraum @ cccamp2011 * Wendsday August 10th thru Sunday, August 14th 2011 in Finowfurt near Berlin * <http://events.ccc.de/tag/chaos-communication-camp/> … , , ,
2018-06-08 21:06 otti Organisatorisches Besprechung * Datum: Di, 31.7.2007 * Ort: Eckhaus, Rechbauerstraße, hinterer Raum * Zeit: 18:30 Wer fährt ? * otti * xro * M1c… , , ,
2018-06-08 21:06 Bernhard Tittelbach 33C3 in Hamburg (last time) Who is going and wants a code * ✓ xro (angelcode) * ✓ stratos (code1) * ✓ galego (code2) * ✓ galegoの弟 (child1 of code2) *… , , ,
2017-01-25 17:55 Bernhard Tittelbach RealVille @ SHA2017 SHA2017 * HackerCamp, 2017, the Netherlands! * 4th to 8th of August 2017 * <http://sha2017.org/> * <https://twitter.com/SHA2017Cam… , ,
2015-09-22 22:25 Bernhard Tittelbach Chaos Communication Camp 2015 Preparing Stuff for Transport All the stuff that should go to CCCamp needs to be put into the marked Space in OLGA in realraum b… , , ,
realraum Graz, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz, realraum - Verein für Technik in Kultur und Gesellschaft