TAG: camp
2023-07-28 23:10 | Bernhard Tittelbach | Chaos Communication Camp 2023 * emfpholener Anreisetag: Montag für Aufbau * 2023-08-15 bis 2023-08-19 in Mildenberg * Ziegeleipark Mildenberg / Virtual T… | camp, ccc, travel, event | |
2023-07-28 21:42 | Bernhard Tittelbach | Xro's Packliste für's Chaos Communication Camp camp ccc event travel | camp, ccc, event, travel | |
2019-08-10 00:10 | Bernhard Tittelbach | Chaos Communication Camp 2019 * emfpholener Anreisetag: Montag für Aufbau * Mi 21. - So 25. August 2019 (fix) * Ziegeleipark Mildenberg / Virtual Tour / … | camp, ccc, travel, event | |
2018-06-08 21:09 | Bernhard Tittelbach | realraum @ cccamp2011 * Wendsday August 10th thru Sunday, August 14th 2011 in Finowfurt near Berlin * <http://events.ccc.de/tag/chaos-communication-camp/> … | camp, ccc, travel, event | |
2018-06-08 21:06 | otti | Organisatorisches Besprechung * Datum: Di, 31.7.2007 * Ort: Eckhaus, Rechbauerstraße, hinterer Raum * Zeit: 18:30 Wer fährt ? * otti * xro * M1c… | camp, ccc, event, travel | |
2017-01-25 17:55 | Bernhard Tittelbach | RealVille @ SHA2017 SHA2017 * HackerCamp, 2017, the Netherlands! * 4th to 8th of August 2017 * <http://sha2017.org/> * <https://twitter.com/SHA2017Cam… | camp, travel, event | |
2015-09-22 22:25 | Bernhard Tittelbach | Chaos Communication Camp 2015 Preparing Stuff for Transport All the stuff that should go to CCCamp needs to be put into the marked Space in OLGA in realraum b… | camp, ccc, travel, event |
realraum Graz, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz, realraum - Verein für Technik in Kultur und Gesellschaft