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xro:goban [2025-01-26 18:59]
xro:goban [2025-01-26 19:00] (current)
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 ==== Sources ==== ==== Sources ====
-  * Stones from this [[https://​www.printables.com/​model/​858542-go-game-traditional-goban-complete-set|model]] \\ Don't use brim, which is a pain to remove. Rather use a SuperTack Printbed or higher temperature to make sure the stones stick. +  * Stones from this [[https://​www.printables.com/​model/​858542-go-game-traditional-goban-complete-set|model]] ​by wildshark_524616 ​\\ Don't use brim, which is a pain to remove. Rather use a SuperTack Printbed or higher temperature to make sure the stones stick. 
-  * Bowl from this [[https://​www.printables.com/​model/​1165416-bowl-for-game-of-go-19x19-for-small-stones|model]] (includes stones from above as 3mf Project)+  * Bowl from this [[https://​www.printables.com/​model/​1165416-bowl-for-game-of-go-19x19-for-small-stones|model]] (includes stones from above as 3mf Project). A remix of JeremyToutain'​s FreeCAD model.
   * {{ :​xro:​4mmhoshi_19x19_gogame_board_goban.tar.xz |This}} Grid to Laser-engrave from [[http://​www.gungfu.de/​go/​gobans/​konstruktion/​templates.html|here]]   * {{ :​xro:​4mmhoshi_19x19_gogame_board_goban.tar.xz |This}} Grid to Laser-engrave from [[http://​www.gungfu.de/​go/​gobans/​konstruktion/​templates.html|here]]
   * [[https://​www.printables.com/​model/​1141293-parametric-feet-for-board| Feet Model]]   * [[https://​www.printables.com/​model/​1141293-parametric-feet-for-board| Feet Model]]
realraum Graz, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz, realraum - Verein für Technik in Kultur und Gesellschaft
  • /var/lib/dokuwiki/data/attic/xro/goban.1737914343.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2025-01-26 18:59
  • by xro