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nicoo:brix [2018-11-30 21:28]
nicoo created
nicoo:brix [2018-11-30 21:29] (current)
nicoo Fix syntax
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-= Brix =+====== Brix ======
 The Brix is a small computer that [[nicoo:​nicoo]] currently houses in the rack in W2. The Brix is a small computer that [[nicoo:​nicoo]] currently houses in the rack in W2.
realraum Graz, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz, realraum - Verein für Technik in Kultur und Gesellschaft
  • /var/lib/dokuwiki/data/attic/nicoo/brix.1543609715.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018-11-30 21:28
  • by nicoo