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nicoo:atlas [2020-09-25 18:41]
nicoo created
nicoo:atlas [2020-09-25 18:42] (current)
nicoo Fix link URL
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 ====== ATLAS probe ====== ====== ATLAS probe ======
-The ATLAS probe is a small computer that [[nicoo:​nicoo]] currently houses in the rack in W1, assigned [[https://​atlas.ripe.net/​probes/​21514/​|id #21514]] in RIPE's [[ATLAS network|https://​atlas.ripe.net/​landing/​about/​]].+The ATLAS probe is a small computer that [[nicoo:​nicoo]] currently houses in the rack in W1, assigned [[https://​atlas.ripe.net/​probes/​21514/​|id #21514]] in RIPE's [[https://​atlas.ripe.net/​landing/​about/​|ATLAS network]].
 ATLAS is a network of probes all over the world, that can receive commands from RIPE NCC (or whoever else has an account and tasks them) and perform measurements about the Internet, mostly about DNS, ICMP (ping & traceroute),​ HTTP(S) and TLS.  Yes, this is basically a botnet, only for good and not evil ;) ATLAS is a network of probes all over the world, that can receive commands from RIPE NCC (or whoever else has an account and tasks them) and perform measurements about the Internet, mostly about DNS, ICMP (ping & traceroute),​ HTTP(S) and TLS.  Yes, this is basically a botnet, only for good and not evil ;)
 Feel free to ask [[nicoo:​nicoo]] if you have questions about using RIPE ATLAS. Feel free to ask [[nicoo:​nicoo]] if you have questions about using RIPE ATLAS.
realraum Graz, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz, realraum - Verein für Technik in Kultur und Gesellschaft
  • /var/lib/dokuwiki/data/attic/nicoo/atlas.1601052080.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020-09-25 18:41
  • by nicoo