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trapicki:3f2 [2019-09-12 08:04]
trapicki:3f2 [2019-09-12 08:09]
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 It's time again for a campfire! A campfire needs night, and soon we get daily plenty of that. And we have some birthdays to celebrate. It's time again for a campfire! A campfire needs night, and soon we get daily plenty of that. And we have some birthdays to celebrate.
-[[trapicki:​3f|Last time] I brought [[https://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​Surströmming|Surströmming]],​ but not all of you had the chance to try the probably best was of storing fish in can, that's why I brought some fresh((well...]] from Sweden((Lufthansa told me on the phone that they had no objections against canned fish whatsoever...)).+[[trapicki:​3f|Last time]] I brought [[https://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​Surströmming|Surströmming]],​ but not all of you had the chance to try the probably best was of storing fish in can, that's why I brought some fresh((well...)) from Sweden((Lufthansa told me on the phone that they had no objections against canned fish whatsoever...)).
 You will also know the true promise of [[https://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​S%27more|S'​Mores]]. ​ You will also know the true promise of [[https://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​S%27more|S'​Mores]]. ​
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 47.0132 N 15.4627 E [[https://​www.openstreetmap.org/?​mlat=47.0132&​mlon=15.4627#​map=16/​47.0132/​15.4627&​layers=N|on OpenStreetmap]] 47.0132 N 15.4627 E [[https://​www.openstreetmap.org/?​mlat=47.0132&​mlon=15.4627#​map=16/​47.0132/​15.4627&​layers=N|on OpenStreetmap]]
-[[https://​verkehrsauskunft.verbundlinie.at/?#​!P|TP!S|Graz Hauptplatz/​Congress!Z|Eichbachgasse ​900, 8041 Graz!date|05102019!time|15:00!timeSel|arrive!start|yes&​language=en_US&&​widget=1.0.0&​|You can get there]] via bicycle, car or bus (34)+[[https://​verkehrsauskunft.verbundlinie.at/?#​!P%7CTP!S%7CGraz ​Hauptplatz/​Congress!Z%7CEichbachgasse ​900, 8041 Graz!date%7C05102019!time%7C15:00!timeSel%7Carrive!start%7Cyes&​language=en_US&&​widget=1.0.0&​|You can get there]] via bicycle, car or bus (34)
 It is really a place of energy, a the intersection of the Mur, motorway, bicycle route, high voltage overland line, long distance heat, main sewage pipe and city border. We will add fire, s'​mores and canned fish. It is really a place of energy, a the intersection of the Mur, motorway, bicycle route, high voltage overland line, long distance heat, main sewage pipe and city border. We will add fire, s'​mores and canned fish.
realraum Graz, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz, realraum - Verein für Technik in Kultur und Gesellschaft
  • /var/lib/dokuwiki/data/pages/trapicki/3f2.txt
  • Last modified: 2019-10-01 11:12
  • by trapicki