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stefan:stefan [2015-08-31 23:07]
stefan [realraumfoo]
stefan:stefan [2018-06-19 15:37]
Line 4: Line 4:
   * stefan   * stefan
-  * cs (ci & itsec) ​@ TUG+  * infosec ​@ TUG
   * philosophy @ KFU   * philosophy @ KFU
-  * list enthusiast 
Line 14: Line 13:
   * Usable Security   * Usable Security
-  * Urban Gaming+  * <del>Urban Gaming</​del>​
   * [[https://​cryptoparty.at/​graz|CryptoParty Graz]]   * [[https://​cryptoparty.at/​graz|CryptoParty Graz]]
-  * Transfer Printing + Laser Cutter = Puzzle+  * [[https://​losfuzzys.github.io/​|LosFuzzys CTF Team]] 
 +  * Everything is political
 \\ \\
   * technology, society, philosophy, politics, gender, human rights & space   * technology, society, philosophy, politics, gender, human rights & space
   * technology ethics, technology|society,​ it security, privacy, opendata, netpolitics,​ open knowledge, all things queer & labor in the 21st century   * technology ethics, technology|society,​ it security, privacy, opendata, netpolitics,​ open knowledge, all things queer & labor in the 21st century
 +  * #include <​http://​stefan.2904.cc/>​
Line 30: Line 31:
   * part of the night shift   * part of the night shift
   * licensed to laser   * licensed to laser
 +  * r3 mailinglist admin
 +  * let me be your guide
 +  * [[:​dokunight|realraum dokuNight]]
 +  * [[:​meta|M3ta]]
   * let's make happen:   * let's make happen:
     * [[http://​tschunk.org/​|[tʃʊŋk]]]     * [[http://​tschunk.org/​|[tʃʊŋk]]]
-    * [[https://​twitter.com/​HuhuEule/​status/​591472514741600256|make Eule happen]] ([[http://​mybier.myproduct.at/​eule-koffeinbier-330ml|expensive?​]]) 
-    * [[https://​events.ccc.de/​camp/​2015/​wiki/​Village:​RealVille|realraum @ Chaos Communication Camp]] ([[https://​titanpad.com/​RealVille|Pad]]) 
-    * realraum Stadtflucht (???) 
-    * [[sha2017|realraum @ SHA2017]] 
-  * Wiki  FIXME 
-    * clean up 
-    * create (intern?) index page  
-    * list of all pages / tree 
-    * https 
   * projects:   * projects:
-    * [[https://​github.com/​realraum/​RoomInvader/​|RoomInvader]] (inspired by [[https://metalab.at/wiki/Screeninvader|Metalab'​s Screeninvader]]) +    ​* [[:​r3botnet|r3botnet]] 
-    * [[https://​github.com/​realraum/​Limnoria-RealRaum|r3bot-irc]] +      ​* [[https://​github.com/​realraum/​r3bot-irc|r3bot-irc]] 
-    * r3bot-xmpp +      * [[https://github.com/realraum/r3bot-mqtt|r3bot-mqtt]] 
-    * r3 website 42.+      * [[https://​github.com/​realraum/​r3bot-telegram|r3bot-telegram]] 
-    * r3 PR-team +      * r3bot-xmpp 
-    * r3 Issue Tracker+    * [[https://​github.com/​realraum/​r3bot-webhook|r3bot-webhook]]
     * [[https://​github.com/​stefan2904/​raspberry-temperature|log&​visualize temperature & doorstatus]] ([[https://​realraum.github.io/​r3pi-temperature|r3 temperature]])     * [[https://​github.com/​stefan2904/​raspberry-temperature|log&​visualize temperature & doorstatus]] ([[https://​realraum.github.io/​r3pi-temperature|r3 temperature]])
     * Refugee Empowerment|Support     * Refugee Empowerment|Support
 +    * [[https://​wp.realraum.at/​2015/​12/​wichtel-lamp/​|Wichtel Lamp]]
 +    * LosFuzzysLabStatusReporter (aka my //Arduino hello world//
 +    * [[https://​github.com/​stefan2904/​ArduinoBinaryClock|13:​37 binary clock]]
   * //​RealRaumResearch//​   * //​RealRaumResearch//​
     * everything is political     * everything is political
     * hacker(space)ethics     * hacker(space)ethics
     * ecological-foodprint of hackspaces     * ecological-foodprint of hackspaces
-  * else 
-    * [[https://​wiki.hackerspaces.org/​Interfaces|COC]] 
     * Room-Accessibility //#fail//     * Room-Accessibility //#fail//
-    ​PR (mainly ​[[http://​twitter.com/​realraum|@realraum]] & web)+  * Archives of this page: 
 +    ​* [[stefan:archiv1|2018 June]]
Line 64: Line 62:
 ===== Contactfoo ===== ===== Contactfoo =====
-  * Mail: realraum ​[Klammeraffe] ​2904.cc ([[http://​pgp.mit.edu/​pks/​lookup?​op=vindex&​search=0xEF55302141210EA0|PGP Key]])+  * Mail: verr [Klammeraffe] ​r3.at ([[http://​pgp.mit.edu/​pks/​lookup?​op=vindex&​search=0xEF55302141210EA0|PGP Key]])
     *  Fingerprint:​ 09D5 5358 F9D3 AFC0 C73D 3F95 EF55 3021 4121 0EA0      *  Fingerprint:​ 09D5 5358 F9D3 AFC0 C73D 3F95 EF55 3021 4121 0EA0 
 \\ \\
-  * Jabber: stefan [Klammeraffe] realraum.at ​ 
-  * Jabber 2: 2904 [Klammeraffe] jabber.matalab.at ​ 
-    * Fingerprint:​ 6C93 288C 5CDB DACD DDA5 B73C 8AEF 6456 E25C 25FD  
 ---- ----
 ===== SSHfoo ===== ===== SSHfoo =====
 +//​realraum.pub// ​
 <​code>​ <​code>​
realraum Graz, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz, realraum - Verein für Technik in Kultur und Gesellschaft
  • /var/lib/dokuwiki/data/pages/stefan/stefan.txt
  • Last modified: 2023-12-22 21:55
  • by stefan