A go-module and exact definitions of current r3events can be found at github: https://github.com/realraum/door_and_sensors/tree/master/r3events
A guide on mqtt essentials: http://www.hivemq.com/blog/mqtt-essentials-part-5-mqtt-topics-best-practices
mqtt.realraum.at:1883 (reachable only in local realraum network)
Topics can be retained by the message broker. In this case, the most recent event for that topic is sent to a client immediately upon subscription of that topic.
Topic | Retain | Description |
Sensor Messages | ||
zigbee2mqtt/w1/AjarWindowMasha | false | MaSha Window ajar or not |
zigbee2mqtt/w2/AjarWindowR2W2right | false | R2W2 right Window ajar or not |
zigbee2mqtt/w2/AjarWindowR2W2left | false | R2W2 left Window ajar or not |
zigbee2mqtt/w2/AjarWindowTesla | false | TESLA Window ajar or not |
zigbee2mqtt/w2/AjarWindowKitchen | false | TESLA Window ajar or not |
zigbee2mqtt/w1/AjarWindowOLGA | false | OLGA Window ajar or not |
realraum/frontdoor/lock | True | Frontdoor locked or not |
realraum/w2frontdoor/lock | True | w2 door locked or not |
realraum/frontdoor/ajar | True | Frontdoor ajar or shut |
realraum/w2frontdoor/ajar | True | w2 door ajar or not |
realraum/frontdoor/cmdevt | False | Command that was sent to the frontdoor and by whom |
realraum/frontdoor/problemevt | False | Problem that occured at the frontdoor |
realraum/frontdoor/manuallockmovement | True | If the frontdoor was locker / unlocked by hand |
realraum/frontdoor/rawfwlines | False | raw communication between door_client and door_daemon |
realraum/smallkiosk/temperature | True | LoTHR Temperature, DHT11 Sensor |
realraum/smallkiosk/relhumidity | True | LoTHR Humidity, DHT11 Sensor |
realraum/printerbone/temperature | True | Tesla R1W2 BMP180 Sensor |
realraum/printerbone/barometer | True | Tesla R1W2 BMP180 Sensor |
realraum/pillar/boredoombuttonpressed | False | indicates the BoreDOOOOOOMButton has been pressed |
realraum/pillar/illumination | True | |
realraum/pillar/dust | True | currently nonexistant Dust Sensor |
realraum/pillar/movement | False | PIR Movement Sensors on Arduino on Beaglebone in LoTHR, one event per detected movement |
realraum/xbee/relhumidity | True | XBee non-fixed sensors humidity, DHT11 |
realraum/xbee/temperature | True | XBee non-fixed sensors temperature, DHT11 |
realraum/xbee/voltage | True | XBee non-fixed sensors battery voltage |
realraum/w2tesla/relhumidity | True | sensors humidity, BMP280 in R2W2 |
realraum/w2tesla/temperature | True | temperature, BMP280 in R2W2 |
realraum/backdoorcx/movement | False | currently nonexistant future PIR Movement Sensor in CX |
realraum/olgafreezer/temperature | False | OlgaFreezer DS18B20 Temp Sensors |
realraum/olgafreezer/overtemp | False | Alarm Event, triggered if Temperature exceeds a pre-set limit (see olga_freezer_sensordata_forwarder.py ) |
realraum/olgafreezer/sensorlost | False | Triggered if a olgafreezer sensor stopped transmitting data |
realraum/backdoorcx/temperature | True | Temperature in CX, between Network, Backdoor and WC |
realraum/backdoorcx/lock | False | no sensor, does not exist |
realraum/backdoorcx/ajar | True | Backdoor Ajar Sensor |
realraum/backdoorcx/gasalert | False | Sent if LPG/Gas-Alert on CX-Ceiling is triggered |
realraum/backdoorcx/powerloss | False | Sent if UPS connected to smsgw.realraum.at reports powerloss, power-regained or change in battery charge |
realraum/gateway/NetDHCPACK | False | not-implemented. Info about new DHCP client in network. |
realraum/gateway/NetGWStatUpdate | True | not-implemented. TODO 1) . regular updated network statistics |
realraum/lasercutter/cardpresent | True | indicateds if and who's card actives the lasercutters's laser |
realraum/w2frontdoor/online | True | indicates ip of device and if online or offline (LastWill) |
action/ceilingN/online | True | indicates ip of device and if online or offline (LastWill) |
Meta Events | ||
realraum/metaevt/presence | True | Indicates if someone is present in realraum. Sent everytime presence status changes. .Meta-Event generated by 'r3-metaevt-maker' |
realraum/metaevt/aggregatecontactsensor | True | Collects all shut,locked,contact sensors into one event. Sent on change. Meta-Event generated by 'r3-metaevt-maker' |
realraum/metaevt/overtemp | False | Meta-event triggered if a temperature sensor exceeds a warning threshold |
realraum/metaevt/sensorlost | False | Meta-event triggered if a sensor stopped transmitting data |
realraum/metaevt/realmovement | False | Tries to distinguish between real movement and spurious sensor errors |
realraum/metaevt/duskordawn | False | Meta-event that indicates Sunset, Sunrise, astronomical dawn, nautical dawn, civil dawn. |
realraum/metaevt/TempSensorSpike | False | not-implemented. TODO. Meta-event that triggers if a temperature sensor's value rises above its running average standard deviation –> possible Fire |
realraum/metaevt/DustSensorSpike | False | not-implemented. TODO. Meta-event that triggers if a dust sensor's value rises above its running average standard deviation –> possible Fire |
realraum/metaevt/timetoclean | False | Meta-event: Cleanup Time Event |
realraum/rauchmelderN/online | True | N={1…} smokealarm online or not. includes last known IP |
realraum/rauchmelderN/smokealarm | True | N={1…] SmokeALARM triggered in given room |
Action Requests | ||
action/rf433/sendcode3byte | False | Tell RF433 Transmitters to transmit the attached 3byte code over the air to powerplugs |
action/rf433/setdelay | True | Tell Sender at *Location X* to wait *DelayMs* until sending a command receivce via sendcode3byte 2) |
action/yamahastereo/ircmd | False | Send command to ir-emitter for yamaha stereo (list of named commands) |
action/PipeLEDs/pattern | False | Select pattern of Pipe LED stripe |
action/PipeLEDs/restart | False | Restart ESP8266 controlling pipe LEDs |
action/ceiling1/light | False | Set R,G,B,CW,WW Value of ceiling1 |
action/ceiling2/light | False | Set R,G,B,CW,WW Value of ceiling2 |
action/ceiling3/light | False | Set R,G,B,CW,WW Value of ceiling3 |
action/ceiling4/light | False | Set R,G,B,CW,WW Value of ceiling4 |
action/ceiling5/light | False | Set R,G,B,CW,WW Value of ceiling5 |
action/ceiling6/light | False | Set R,G,B,CW,WW Value of ceiling6 |
action/flooddoor/light | False | Set R,G,B,CW,WW Value of ceiling7 flodder |
action/abwasch/light | False | Set R,G,B,UV,WW Value of ceiling8 flodder |
action/ceilingAll/light | False | Set R,G,B,UV,CW,WW Value of all ceiling lights |
action/gonamectrl/name | False | Switch named thing on/off |
action/ceilingscripts/activescript | Falsce | active script with options '{script:name,…}' |
action/GoLightCtrl/basiclight1 | False | switch basiclight on/off |
action/GoLightCtrl/basiclight2 | False | switch basiclight on/off |
action/GoLightCtrl/basiclight3 | False | switch basiclight on/off |
action/GoLightCtrl/basiclight4 | False | switch basiclight on/off |
action/GoLightCtrl/basiclight5 | False | switch basiclight on/off |
action/GoLightCtrl/basiclight6 | False | switch basiclight on/off |
action/realraum/resendstatus | False | True: trigger resending of current status of all locks, door-sensors, ajar-sensors, etc |
Level | Content |
0 | realraum (indicates sensor information) or action (indicates a request for action) |
1 | clientID. Either ID of sender (if topic[0] == realraum ) or ID of recipient (if topic[0] == action ) Future use: access restrictions for topics of +/clientid/# to senders with the correct clientid |
2 | uniquely identifies the type and format of the payload. E.g. means is directly maps to a certain json object structure |
3 | discouraged, but could be used to distinguish between several types of sensors of the same type at the same location, subcommands, etc |
ClientID | on Host | Description | Network Requirements | Image |
frontdoor | torwaechter.mgmt.realraum.at | ALIX Board mounted on the front door | LAN mqtt.realraum.at DNS | |
backdoorcx | mqtt.realraum.at | MinimusAVR connected to smsgw.realraum.at and running backdoorcx_sensor_node binary. Located in CX/Network | LAN mqtt.realraum.at DNS | |
GoLightCtrl | licht.realraum.at | RaspberryPi serving http://licht.realraum.at/switch.html site and sending action/rf433/sendcode3byte mqtt messages. Listens to topics like action/GoLightCtrl/basiclight1 Sits on top shelf next to beamer in LoTHR. Connected to Ceilinglightcontrolbuttons. | LAN mqtt.realraum.at DNS provides HTTP licht.realraum.at | |
ventilation | ventilation.realraum.at | RaspberryPi with Touchscreen controlling Ventilation and serving http://lüftung.realraum.at/ and sending realraum/ventlation/ventstate mqtt messages. Listens to lasercutter | LAN mqtt.realraum.at DNS provides HTTP ventilation.realraum.at | |
pillar | kiosk1.realraum.at | arduinosensor.py script running on RPi2 kiosk1.realraum.at , located between pillar in LoTHR and the window glas. | LAN internet for kiosk mqtt.realraum.at DNS | |
smallkiosk | smallkiosk.realraum.at | dht11sensor.py script running on RPi1 smallkiosk.realraum.at , which is the small display next to the passage from LoTHR to CX | LAN mqtt.realraum.at DNS Internet for Kiosk | |
xbee | smsgw.realraum.at | xbeesensor.py script running on RasperriPi smsgw.realraum.at , connects to XBEE temperature and humidity sensors outside or cellar | LAN mqtt.realraum.at DNS | |
olgafreezer | olgafreezer.realraum.at | Arduino+NetworkShield POE-powered TemperatureDisplay next to freezer in OLGA. smsgw.realraum.at runs a sensornode called olga_freezer_sensordata_forwarder.py | LAN accessible from wherever olga_freezer_sensordata_forwarder.py runs | |
metaevt | mqtt.realraum.at | Metaevents generated from other events by r3-metaevt-maker binary running on mqtt.realraum.at | LAN mqtt.realraum.at DNS | |
w2tesla | w2tesla.mgmt.realraum.at | Temp/Humidity DHT11 Sensor in Tesla's PowerPlugBar | mgmtWIFI mqtt.realraum.at DNS | |
w2frontdoor | ? | bsod built ESP8266 sensor sensing if the flat-door to flat2/Wohnung2 is locked or not | mgmtWIFI mqtt.realraum.at DNS | |
gateway | gw.realraum.at | ALIX board gw.realraum.at , located in CX/Network, runs NO sensors | all? | |
lasercutter | lasercutter.mgmt.realraum.at | RaspberryPI1 used for accesscontrol to the lasercutter. Mounted on the lasercutter. | mgmtWIFI mqtt.realraum.at DNS provides ssh | |
xmppbot | mqtt.realraum.at | The binary r3-xmppbot running on mqtt.realraum.at . Possible future backchannel for xmpp-bot | LAN mqtt.realraum.at DNS idl.wirdorange.org or wherever xmpp:realraum.at runs | |
r3-spaceapistatus | mqtt.realraum.at | The binary r3-spaceapistatus running on mqtt.realraum.at . | LAN mqtt.realraum.at DNS ssh to vex.realraum.at provides http:8080/json as future alternative to ssh-out | |
rf433 | kiosk.realraum.at | Action Destination for rf433 powerplug-control transmitters | LAN mqtt.realraum.at DNS | |
yamahastereo | kiosk.realraum.at | Action Destionation to control the YamahaStereoReceiver/Amplifier in LoTHR | LAN mqtt.realraum.at DNS | |
ircchanbot | dhcp-12.realraum.at | IRC Bot running on verr's raspberryPI2 (thinkpi) on the shelf next to the beamer | LAN mqtt.realraum.at Internet | |
r3LEDPipe | dhcp:NODE-ABE95, usually | LEDs on top of Pipe in LoTHR | r3WIFI provides telnet needs DHCP DNS mqtt.realraum.at | |
ceiling1-6 | ceiling*.mgmt.realraum.at | RGB+CW+WW controllable ceilinglights in LoTHR | mgmtWIFI with r3WIFI as fallback mqtt.realraum.at DNS provides telnet | |
flooddoor | flooddoor.mgmt.realraum.at | RGB+CW+WW controllable light above entrance in LoTHR | mgmtWIFI with r3WIFI as fallback mqtt.realraum.at DNS provides telnet | |
abwasch | abwasch.mgmt.realraum.at | RGB+WW+UV controllable LED strips for LoTHR Abwasch | mgmtWIFI with r3WIFI as fallback mqtt.realraum.at DNS provides telnet | |
mashaesp | mashaesp.mgmt.realraum.at | planned but currently disabled movement sensor to combat people leaving the lights on in MaSha | mgmtWIFI mqtt.realraum.at DNS | |
couchred | dhcp:couchred-8128 | SonOff S20 PowerPlug controlling the “Ducks” | r3WIFI mqtt.realraum.at needs DHCP DNS provides http | |
printerbone | drucker.realraum.at | BeagleBoneGreen managing printer power | mqtt.realraum.at needs DNS provides cups | |
lothrboiler | dhcp:"lothrboiler-6135 | SonOff Pow Relay controlling power to the warm water boiler in LoTHR | r3WIFI mqtt.realraum.at needs DHCP DNS provides http | |
rauchmelder1 | rauchmelder1.mgmt.realraum.at | ESP8266 connected to smoke alarm at TESLA. Only powers on if smoke alarm goes off |
see e.g. basicevents to get a feel for a payload message structure.
Ts stands for timestamp and should be a int64 value of seconds since the epoch at the time the event occured.
2nd Level Topic | Payload Type | Payload Type Format |
Sensor Messages | ||
lock | JSON Object | {“Locked”:bool, “Ts”:int64} |
ajar | JSON Object | {“Shut”:bool, “Ts”:int64} |
cmdevt | JSON Object | {“Command”:string, “Using”:string (“Card”,“Button”,“ssh”,…), “Who”:string, “Ts”:int64} |
problemevt | JSON Object | {“Severity”:int, “Problem”:string “Ts”:int64} |
manuallockmovement | JSON Object | {“Ts”:int64} |
rawfwlines | string | |
boredoombuttonpressed | JSON Object | {“Ts”:int64} |
temperature | JSON Object | {“Location”:string, “Value”:float64 (°C), “Ts”:int64} |
voltage | JSON Object | {“Location”:string, “Value”:float64 (V), “Min”:float64 (V, optional),“Max”:float64 (V, optional),“Percent”:float64 (%, optional), “Ts”:int64} |
overtemp | JSON Object | {“Location”:string, “Value”:float64 , “Threshold”:float64, “Ts”:int64} |
illumination | JSON Object | {“Location”:string, “Value”:int64 , “Ts”:int64} |
dust | JSON Object | {“Location”:string, “Value”:int64 , “Ts”:int64} |
relhumidity | JSON Object | {“Location”:string, “Percent”:float64 , “Ts”:int} |
barometer | JSON Object | {“Location”:string, “HPa”:float64, “Ts”:int} |
gasalert | JSON Object | {“Ts”:int64} |
powerloss | JSON Object | {“OnBattery”:bool, PercentBattery:float, LineVoltage: float, LoadPercent: float, “Ts”:int} |
NetDHCPACK | JSON Object | {“Mac”:string, “IP”:string, “Name”:string, “Ts”:int} TODO |
NetGWStatUpdate | JSON Object | {TODO, “Ts”:int64} |
cardpresent | JSON Object | {“IsHot”:bool, “Who”:string(name of user), “Ts”:int} |
foodorderrequest | JSON Object | {“Who”:string, “Preference”:string, “Ts”:int} |
foodorderinvite | JSON Object | {“Who”:string, “Where”:string, “URL”:string (http or phone), “Ts”:int64} |
foodordereta | JSON Object | {“TSofInvite”:int64, “ETA”:int64, “Ts”:int} |
online | JSON Object | {“online”:bool, “ip”:string} |
smokealarm | JSON Object | {“room”:string, “voltage”:float} |
Meta Events | ||
presence | JSON Object | {“Present”:bool, “InSpace1”:bool, “InSpace2”:bool, “Ts”:int64} |
aggregatecontactsensor | JSON Object | {“AllDoorsShut”:bool, “AllWindowsShut”:bool, “AllDoorsLocked”:bool, “Ts”:bool} |
realmovement | JSON Object | {“Movement”:bool, “Confidence”:uint8, “Ts”:int} largely useless |
overtemp | JSON Object | {“Location”:string, “Value”:float, “Threshold”:float, “Ts”:int} |
sensorlost | JSON Object | {“Topic”:string, “LastSeen”:int, “UsualInterval”:int64, “Ts”:int} |
duskordawn | JSON Object | {“Event”: string,“HaveSunlight”:bool, “Ts”:int} |
TempSensorSpike | JSON Object | {“Location”:string, “Value”:float64, “Ts”:int} |
DustSensorSpike | JSON Object | {“Location”:string, “Value”:int64, “Ts”:int} |
3dprintprogress | JSON Object | {“Printer”:string, “Job”:string, “Elapsed_time_s”:int64, “Progress_percent”:int} |
Action Requests | |||||
sendcode3byte | JSON Object | {“Code”:[3]byte, “Ts”:int64} | |||
setdelay | JSON Object | {“Location”:string, “DelayMs”:int64, “Ts”:int64} | |||
ircmd | JSON Object | {“Cmd”:string, “Ts”:int64} | |||
pattern | JSON Object | {“pattern”:string, “arg”: optional argument for pattern, “arg1”: opt, “brightness”:0..100, “hue”:-1..255, “speed”:0..255} | |||
restart | |||||
light | JSON Object | see schema | |||
timetoclean | JSON Object | {} | |||
name | String | 0 | 1 | on | off |