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Conflict resolution in r3

There is currently no formalized means of conflict resolution in the realraum community. The status quo is to complain to the mailing list or the Vorstand.

see also Mediators

Useful tools in group meetings that we had great experiences with

  1. Blitzlichtrunde “Was gerade schief läuft” - Aussprechen und Ansprechen von Problemen

Proposal for conflict resolution (homunkoloss)

The Vorstand has lots of things to do and in the end is liable. So conflict resolution where ever possible should not be handled by them as well. I propose dividing conflicts into two kinds: A) Interpersonal conflicts B) Immediate Danger

A) Interpersonal conflict

To be handled by conflict resolution: soft, reconciliation, talking (see e.g. for reference)



Fictional Example A1: Jane Doe doesn't clean up

Jane Doe frequently eats Kebab while hacking, the tables are full with grease stains and last week she even left a half eaten Kebab right on the table.

Fictional Examlpe A2: John Doe is condecending

John repeatedly tells Alice that her circuit designs are bad and she should do it differently. While at the beginning she was appreciatve of creative input, she wants to do her project her way. John however does not leave her alone and it annoys her.

Fictional Example A3: Bob takes Club Mate without paying

Bob was seen taking a Club Mate without paying. After bein asked why he doesn't pay he says he will pay it “someday”. Since this is only minor damage I propose it being handled by conflict resolution.

B) Immediate Danger

Behaviour with immedate danger to others/the property of members/realraum. Anything where the Police is called for non-bagatelle things, or the question of liability for the r3 arises. Hard, fast, Averting Danger


vorstand is informed, possibly immediate exclusion and Hausverbot until fact finding has finished and formal decision on what should happen

Fictional Example B1: Alice is caught stealing

Alice tries to take an expensive computer that is lying on the table. After being confronted, she claims it is hers, however this is not the case.

Fictional Example B2: Physical violence

Jane and Bob have an argument. At some point Jane shoves Bob so that he falls over.