====== CAMP++ 2024 ====== This is the page for camp plus plus in Tata Hungary More info on: https://camp.hsbp.org/2024/pp7e8/ Please preregister for a ticket on camp++ website. Costs work by deviding the cost of the whole camp between all attendees. Price is ussually between 80 and 100€. Price includes food and drinks. ===== Who's Going? ===== ==== Definately ==== * L5 * GNU/Fox * Commanderred * Maciej * fg * Ernst * xro * JUE * av * Oli * arrox * Gabor (part of orga. Probably goes by himself) * octoprog ==== Maybe: ==== * Tanja * Ellie * Roman * nicoo * Sally * OE6NOA * Julian ===== Travel modes ===== ==== By Car: ==== We will **pack on 2024-08-06** Afternoon/Evening. **Departure is on 2024-08-07** Around **1200 CEST (+/- 2h), exact time T.B.A.** Planned route (as of 2024-07-10): [[https://classic-maps.openrouteservice.org/directions?n1=47.248236&n2=16.297472&n3=18&a=47.065533,15.450404,47.24858,16.296759,47.667829,18.309038&b=0&c=0&k1=en-US&k2=km|Openrouteservice Maps]] Optional refuelling stop near Großpetersdorf We are planning to use (ham/PMR) radio while driving. We will need to distribute antennas. GNU/Fox can provide 2 Antennas + up to 4 Handhelds. ^ Car ^ PMR call ^ HAM-Call ^ Free seats ^ Free Storage ^ Part of the convoy ^ | GNU/Fox | TheFox | OE6CBX | 0 (octoprog) | T.B.A | YES | | L5 | L5 | OE6SLU / S51LP | ? | T.B.A | MAYBE | | arrox | arrox | OE6DBG | 0-3 | 200-1500 liters | YES | | AV + fg | MH69 | n.a. | 0 | T.B.A | YES | | Ernst | n.a. | OE6ZNG | ? | T.B.A | NO | | JUE | JUE | OE6JUE | ? | T.B.A | MAYBE | ==== By Train: ==== Getting there: * IC 311: 08:37 - 12:49 Graz - Tata * IC 313: 14:37 - 18:49 Graz - Tata Returning to Graz: * IC 312: 09:07 - 13:23 Tata - Graz * IC 310: 17.07 - 21:23 Tata - Graz Buy tickets here: https://jegy.mav.hu/ Price: * 19 € - in advance * up to 32 € - bought same day **People going by train:** * **TODO: Put ur name here** ===== Equipment that we bring (sorted per person / vehicle): ===== **TODO: ADD MORE STUFF** (Sorting per vehicle could change) === AV + fg === * Speakers + Amplifier === JUE === * 1-2x JUE-Tent * CYBER-Fridge === GNU/Fox === * HAM-Radio equipment * Multiple Masts (my own) + maybe the ones from R3 if they fit in my car (note from arrox, look below). Can also be used to mount flags and LEDs. * Field-Telephone equipment * Extension cords + Power strips (from R3 + own) * R3-Mini-Lab (soldering + PSU + Load) * LED Light-Bulbs (12V) * 1-2 Projectors (for music visuals) * Retro Computers/Consoles (PC, C64, (Amiga?), SNES) * **R3 FLAGS + Colourful flags :^)** === arrox + Commanderred + ? === arrox: * Various DMX light shit + laser * fog machine + beefy rohrventilator * HAM Radio Stuff (my own and maybe masts for gnufox?) * Depending on regulations in hungary and local circumstances i can bring multiple model aircraft including a fpv setup and a led lit glider with red and green positional led strips fused in the wings for night flying (pretty awesome, best pic i could find: [[https://www.rc-network.de/attachments/9716312g-jpg.10010561/|Looks better in person and at nighttime]]) not the best idea according to gabor * some photo/video stuff maybe? * **more colourful flags** commander: * LED effects (RGB) (?) === Not assigned yet (== idea) === * **TODO: ADD MORE STUFF HERE / ADD YOURSELF + TAKE CARE OF IT**