===== Chaos Communication Camp 2019 ===== * emfpholener Anreisetag: Montag für Aufbau * Mi 21. - So 25. August 2019 (fix) * [[https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/267114042|Ziegeleipark Mildenberg]] / [[http://bit.ly/virtualCampTour|Virtual Tour]] / [[https://bit.ly/campVonOben|Luftaufnahme]] * [[https://map.events.ccc.de/#18.33/53.031667/13.305779 | Karte]] * [[https://public.c3power.de/|Stromplan]] * [[https://events.ccc.de/category/camp/camp-2019/|Blog]] / [[https://events.ccc.de/camp/2019/wiki/Main_Page|Wiki]] * [[https://www.eventphone.de|Phone]] / [[https://engelsystem.de/|Engelsystem]] * [[https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q47777714|Wikidata]] * >= 295€ : Ticket im [[https://tickets.events.ccc.de/camp2019/ | Shop ]] * >= 20 € : Badge * [[https://tickets.events.ccc.de/camp2019/faq/ | Voucher System FAQ ]] ==== Graz is going to Camp (our Orga) ==== * [[https://pads.c3w.at/pad/#/2/pad/edit/3C54JuPxqL3Nco+NfzKQLcly/ | Wer Reist Wie Wann An - Tabelle]] * [[https://pads.c3w.at/sheet/#/2/sheet/edit/kShor7kneysY6XK7iSmT2O1d/ | Liste Was Wie transportiert wird und von Wem]] \\ (Benötigt schnell angelegten, pricacy geschützten, C3W CryptDrive Account) * [[https://pads.c3w.at/code/#/2/code/edit/0Utw6JqomOQqP6fajUSyT+hd/ | Orga Pad]] * [[https://pads.c3w.at/code/#/2/code/edit/87QuB41LfMd-X-KDGecpRLZV/ | Notizen der Treffen]] * [[https://pads.c3w.at/code/#/2/code/edit/xGDj4vdfcqVmk3I6h6qiJgj2/ | Pack-Hilfe-Listen]] * [[https://pads.c3w.at/code/#/2/code/edit/dTLPi85Y8qYj2GIx6cvL+p4L/ | Projekte und Status]] * IRC: #graz@cccamp2019 @irc.oftc.net * [[https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/JLM | Schienenbreitenkarte]] * [[https://pads.c3w.at/poll/#/2/poll/edit/oQH0XazqteHowSxga+L9mcbQ/ | Umfrage Busfahrt]] === Treffen === * 2019-03-22 20:15 im realraum - https://grical.realraum.at/e/show/1296/ done. * 2019-04-12 20:15 im realraum - https://grical.realraum.at/e/show/1302/ done. * 2019-06-07 20:00 im realraum - https://grical.realraum.at/e/show/1311/ done * 2019-06-28 20:08 im realraum - https://grical.realraum.at/e/show/1318/ done * 2019-07-30 20:08 im realraum - https://grical.realraum.at/e/show/1320/ * 2019-08-09 20:08 im realraum - https://grical.realraum.at/e/show/1321/ === Budget === * 65€ : Beitrag Graz@Camp2019 & A^12 Village: * ~ 40€ Zelttransport, Tische & Co * ~ 25€ Ewiges Village-Frühstück Initialbeitrag siehe auch [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ugAzbywkKb3sGoEyIr5A1rBaLg21gcT3-0LQOGtrpAk/edit#gid=607802783|Graz@Camp2019 Budget]] **Bitte überweise deinen Graz@Camp2019 Beitrag von 65€ an:** > **DE31700222000073583012** > Verwendungszweck: //cccamp2019 // Siehe [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQWS08qgbY0kVKTlDtBMrRO1u109jiQMb0TZIBk94AhXtHSiHHMEIQsr5Z25ABO0ZFJd9ZHR3jxAFj-/pubhtml?gid=321153043&single=true | FAQ&Bedingungen]] ==== Who is going ==== * verr * xro * stratos * clara * pablo * ruru4143 * >=10x [[https://github.com/LosFuzzys/meta/issues/316#issuecomment-491850117|LosFuzzys]] * 2x BITS * equinox * homunkoloss * jue * fg * clavi * jampo * peter.poetzi * lena * roemchine * ernst * spel * zlatko * bsod * flora * PeterTheOne * feedc0de * nicoo (already cyborgified and voucherised) * angela+1 * Fforward * Tyrant * stinkenfritz * Scolytus * Steffitschka * TKrug+1 * q66 === State === * 47 Hackers done * Ticket-Sale is OVER! We finished our Queue JUST IN TIME * Thank you everyone for your discipline and speed! * This would not have been possible if even one person had not taken the queue seriously !! :-) Awesome cooperation! === Getting a last Ticket === * There will be one more sale at 2019-06-18, where all, as of now unpaid tickets, will be sold * Want a voucher for that? Drop us a line at realraum@realraum.at ==== Kosten pro Person ==== Nur eine Schätzung Vor dem Camp: * 295 € : Ticket * 20 € : Badge * 65 € : Village Beitrag * ?? 100 .. 400 € : Anreise? Während dem Camp: * Swag & Kleidung : ~25 .. 85 € * Mehr Essen: ~20-70 € ?? * Workshop Bauteile ? * Badge Addons * Lasercutting 3D Drucker Beitrag * Tschunk Geld ==== Preparing Stuff for Transport ==== All the stuff that should go to CCCamp needs to be put into the marked Space next to the lasercutter in realraum before !! ____ ___. It shall be labeled with these stickers and contain * Name of Owner * e-mail * phone number * "GOES TO CAMP" ===== Archive ===== * [[http://realville.soup.io/|realville soup]] * RealVille @ [[camp2015]] * [[https://titanpad.com/RealVille|RealVille@CCCamp15 Pad]] ([[https://github.com/stefan2904/padBackups/blob/7cabd32426e87e1d0153701768d210acc5a83724/backup/https--titanpad.com-ep-pad-export-RealVille-latestformattxt.txt|Backup]]) * [[https://ethercalc.org/RealVilleInhabitants|RealVille Inhabitants]] * [[https://ethercalc.org/RealVilleFinance|RealVille@CCCamp15 Finance]] * [[https://ethercalc.org/RealVille|RealVille@CCCamp15 Shoppinglist]] --- {{tag>camp ccc travel event}}